Locus On Screen
Locus Lab Management

Modern laboratory management software that helps you and your team organise, plan and track your samples from start to finish.

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Lab Management Made Easy

Locus specializes in making the management of your laboratory as simple as possible.

Storage Management

Easily create storage space such as freezers and fridges with customised dimensions, temperatures, permitted samples and security groups.

Manage Samples and Projects

Use advanced workflows to track samples through laboratory processes.

Search and Audit

Easily find samples using a rich variety of search fields. Every sample can be individually tracked with a detailed audit trail.

Project Overviews

To view project processes and storage usage.

Track with Barcodes

Uniquely barcode samples and aliquotes on a per participant or per sample basis.

Audit Trails

Allows users to see a full audit history of actions taken, viewed by sample or by user.

Security areas

Easily customisable security areas allow secure role-based access.

File Imports

Import files for bulk sample receipt and instrument integration.

CRFManager® Integration

Studies, contacts, users and more can be linked to CRFManager® to allow enhanced reporting functionality.

Greg Stevens - Team Photo

Greg Stevens

Lead Developer

Lead developer and technical architect of the Locus® project. An expert in full web-stack and relational databases, with vital commercial experience gained from working on CRFManager®. Working closely with the Genetics core has enabled the creation of Locus®.

Jamie Stevens - Team Photo

Jamie Stevens

Web Developer

A .NET web developer his role is in developing new features for Locus® as well as creating automated testing to ensure good quality, robust code. A high level of creativity means he has a keen eye for web design and usability.

Lee Murphy - Team Photo

Lee Murphy

Genetics Core Manager

Leads a team providing support to studies investigating the role of genetics in disease and health. Previously at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, he is an expert in sample processing, biobanking and high-throughput genomics whilst ensuring compliance with clinical trial legislation.

Angie Fawkes - Team Photo

Angie Fawkes

Deputy Lab Manager

With an interest in NGS and new technologies she oversees the Genetic Analysis service utilising a range of analysis platforms. Experienced in project and team management; in particular implementing and validating LIMS software within the laboratory environment.